People often ask that how to write a proper article or just how sum up all the thoughts that are running in the mind. To those questions first thing to understand, writing is not an easy task but practice makes it a more easier process to anyone.
But there are so many things to cover as tips to start writing but most important 8 things you have to do-
1) Read a lot of book-
Book is the basic thing you need to take as the first step of writing. You need to grow your vocabulary and also forming a good sentence and sentence structures.
2) Practice writing as much as you can:
This is the main process of every learning. Practice means application. Your application shows your urge to learn something.
3) Maintain a routine :
You have to maintain a routine for writing. At least in the earlier stage. It helps to make consistency.
4) Try different types of writing :
Write blogpost, create your own blog, publish articles there, rewrite some other blogger's article on your own way, find writing prompts give yourself word limits. Write poems if you want to. But trying different things give you a clear image of where you are good at.
5) Go as you like :
Allow yourself to write badly. Accept yourself first. Don't feel under confident because, you'll reach at that point where you will satisfy with your own work. Just give yourself some time.
6) Research and give credits :
While you write, you have to research and read a lot of articles, and blog posts, go through each and every word and information and writing style. These things help one to frame and write one original content. But it is also very important to give credits to them. Because it is a sweet gesture and we are here with one another.
7) Take help with the internet guruji :
Our actual life partner is the internet. So, spend time properly. Haha! Use online tools for checking the grammar and also the originality.
8) Trust yourself :
That is the last and the most important thing. You can do it. Writing is an art. Putting words into your thoughts is difficult but not impossible.
Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never, never give up." And I know, you will not. Just give yourself time.
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